Do you need some support and guidance to live a happier, fulfilled life?

I can help using different techniques like Reiki energy healing, Counselling, Soul Plan life purpose analysis and intuitive card readings.

RESOURCE – a means of support for just and fair exchange (highest good of all) / a reserve of aid that can be drawn on when needed / assists a persons’ capacity to deal with difficulty / new or unexpected means / transformation to produce benefit / energy that has the capacity to create power/ a useful or valuable quality that helps support life / creates the ability to make decisions and act on your own.

My Process

To support and guide my clients through a framework of self discovery, bringing truth and accountability.

Engaging new sources of information and unique means, each with carefully researched scientific background.

Helping to build all major aspects of life to create balance and abundance.

Working at different levels: physical, emotional and energetic.

Get in Touch